Monday, 2 December 2024

Christmas Festival for Hadley Parish Church

Hadley’s Parish Church, Holy Trinity which is at Hadley Hollow, Hadley, is set to stage another fantastic Christmas Festival from 11.30am ‘til 3.30pm on Saturday 7th December. Entry is free.

Parish Priest Father Stuart Howes (PICTURED) said: “It’s a joint effort between Holy Trinity and Christ Church, Wellington, our sister parish.

“Last year was a wonderful event and we believe this year’s festival will be even bigger, with hot food, hot chocolate and mulled wine, plus some festive tasty treats to enjoy whilst people browse the stalls including a gift stall. Also, don’t forget the freshly baked cake stall, which was a big hit last year.”

Father Stuart went on to say: “There will be music from the Telford Community Ensemble under director Brandon Corfield, plus carols with Carrie. There’ll be festive games including a human fruit machine, a tombola, pin the tail on the donkey and much more festive fun besides. You’ll be able to get your free donkey keyring whilst stocks last.

“And there’ll be a chance to craft your own festive items to take home with you.”